The VeteranShield Projectsm

                                                                                       ...It's not about glory; it's about Their Story.

Our Creed

  My Veteran 
  (The Creed of the VeteranShield Guardian)

    This is my Veteran.  There are many like him or her, but this one is mine.

    My Veteran served our nation with honor.  It is my honor to serve the memory of my Veteran.  I must honor my Veteran as I honor my own life.
I will...

    Without my remembrance, my Veteran is left faceless and forgotten in the past.  Without the memory of my Veteran, I am left without heritage or hope for the future.  Therefore, I must save the memories of my Veteran.  I must shield the memories of my Veteran.  I must share the memories of my Veteran.
I will...

    We know that what counts as lasting remembrance are not the parades, the ceremonies, the speeches, or even the museums and memorials.  We know that it is only the precious personal stories of our Veterans, saved and shared, that count.  Our families and communities must remember our Veterans' stories, so that our Veterans will live forever.
We will remember...

    Our Veteran's stories are ones of sacrifice and service, in the defense of freedom and democracy, often at the greatest possible cost.  As a testament of my love, respect and gratitude, I will sincerely strive to fully understand and retell my Veteran's story.  I will learn of the names, the dates, the deployments, the units, the locations, the battles, the wounds, the deaths, the hopes, the fears, the mistakes, the regrets, the successes, the friendships, the humor, the loneliness, the homesickness, the boredom, the pain, the pride, the valor, the suffering, the striving, the courage.
I will...

    My VeteranShield is a priceless heirloom, because I have filled it with the cherished images and words of my Veteran.  I will proudly and publicly display it whenever appropriate, and thereby share the story of my Veteran within my community.  I will ever guard it against the ravages of vandals, thieves, weather and damage.  I will keep it clean and polished, even as I am clean and polished.  As the years pass, we will become part of each other.
We will...

    Before God I swear this creed.  My VeteranShield and I are the defenders of my Veteran's memory.  We are the masters of remembrance.  We are the Guardians of our country's honor.

    So be it, until the end of time...


The VeteranShield Project is currently in the final development and testing phase; the first production model is expected in early 2016.   For information on how you can reserve a VeteranShield now for only $100, please click here.

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